
Lehigh Valley Plane Pull FAQs



It’s a fundraiser for Special Olympics Pennsylvania athletes in our area and a fun competition to see which team of 25 can pull a FedEx Airbus 300 airplane the fastest! Participants line up along a huge rope attached to the aircraft. The starter signals the team, then starts the stopwatch and the team pulls the aircraft 12 feet.

Each team raises a minimum of $2,500 ($100 per team member) for Special Olympics Pennsylvania athletes in our area and bragging rights to be the Strongest, the Fastest and the Best!


Saturday, October 12, 10 AM – 3 PM


The Air Cargo Apron for FedEx at Lehigh Valley International Airport at 951 Postal Road Allentown, PA 18109

Sponsor Packet

Yes! We are excited to welcome necessary volunteers needed to make this even run smoothly. Volunteer sign ups COMING SOON!

Contact Sarah Driscoll with any questions.