
Donate Now

You know it when you see it – that determined look, that extra mile or lap, that high-five jump, that pat on the back, that enormous smile. It's the power of sports. For people with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics is often the only place where they have an opportunity to participate in their communities, develop belief in themselves, and feel like champions. But for every inspiring Special Olympics athlete, there are many more waiting for their chance to shine. Donate today and help us reach out to one more person who wants to participate.

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Make a General Online Donation

Your general donation can help Special Olympics Pennsylvania now, and provide you with an immediate charitable income tax deduction.  Click on the "Donate" button below to make an online gift.

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Make a Planned Gift

Planned giving is finding ways to make your charitable gifts now, or after your lifetime, while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

Other Ways to Give

Millions of people across the globe support Special Olympics through donations, volunteerism and advocacy.  Our individual supporters are vital members of the global movement.

Thank you for helping to support 16,000 Pennsylvania athletes!  All athletes are able to participate free of charge thanks to the generosity of our supporters.

Privacy Policy

We occasionally exchange our donor name and address list with other reputable nonprofit organizations to keep our costs down.  If shared, the other nonprofit organization is only permitted to use such information for a one-time mailing and cannot use it for telemarketing purposes.  You can opt out of this exchange at any time by contacting us at and providing your complete name and address.

Special Olympics Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. Your gift to Special Olympics Pennsylvania qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal tax purposes as permitted by law. The official registration and financial information of Special Olympics Pennsylvania may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.