Special Olympics Pennsylvania is thrilled to honor our athletes and volunteers who have made outstanding contributions both on and off the field of competition. We celebrate their achievements and their commitment to the mission of Special Olympics Pennsylvania.
Special Olympics Pennsylvania
Hall of Fame
There is no typical Special Olympics athlete. They are young and old, from across town and across the world. All athletes do, however, share one important character trait: a competitive fire to do their personal best. This fire is so intense that it lights up the lives of everyone around them.
That's why SOPA established the Hall of Fame in 1996: to share with a larger audience the inspiring stories of individuals who had heard "you can't do it," all through their lives - but proved that they could once they were given a chance.
The Hall of Fame honors athletes and volunteers who have made outstanding contributions both on and off the playing field. Special Olympics Pennsylvania has so many stories on personal courage on the part of its athletes and selfless giving by its volunteers. The Hall of Fame is a place for the Special Olympics Pennsylvania family to celebrate its many deserving stars.
For more information on the Hall of Fame, check out this fact sheet!
Hall of Fame Nominations
Nominations for the Hall of Fame will be accepted between January 31, 2024 and March 8th, 2024. Any nominations submitted outside this window will be considered for the following awards cycle. To nominate a deserving athlete or volunteer, click the button below or follow this link!
Frequently Asked Questions
The Hall of Fame award will be presented to selected athlete(s) and volunteer(s) every other year during Summer Games at Penn State University. The recipients will be honored during Opening Ceremonies as well as during the VIP Reception.
Special Olympics Pennsylvania
Clare Walsh Miller Award
Soon after her arrival in 1989, Clare Walsh Miller (former Chief Programming Officer for Special Olympics Pennsylvania) introduced Athlete Leadership programs to Special Olympics Pennsylvania.
Just like any other leader, Athlete Leaders need a good Mentor to support them in their quest to learn and grow and become the best Athlete Leader they can be. A good mentor evaluates the skills and development needs of their Athlete Leader and then works with them to help them build on their existing skills and develop new ones.
The Clare Walsh Miller Award celebrates a mentor who has shown tremendous support and dedication to their Athlete Leader.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Clare Walsh Miller Award will be presented to the selected volunteer during Fall Festival, held at Villanova University in November. The recipient will be honored during the VIP Reception.