
Become an Athlete

How to Become an Athlete

STEP 1: Confirm Your Eligibility

When you join Special Olympics Pennsylvania, you're joining a group of strong, ambitious competitors. Special Olympics athletes are eight years old or older and have an intellectual disability, or a developmental disability with a cognitive delay.

STEP 2: Complete Your Registration

To become eligible for Special Olympics Pennsylvania training, competition, and programming, a Medical Form is required. The Special Olympics Pennsylvania Medical Form must be used. School or agency medical forms will NOT be accepted.

  • Medical Certification (Page 2 - Top Section): This section requires a medical provider's signature for certain sports and health conditions. Your Regional Office will tell you if it's required. Please note that a physical examination by a physician or authorized medical personnel (not a nurse or EMT) may be necessary.
  • Release (Page 2 - Bottom Section - Required for ALL Participants): This release section must be completed by everyone, regardless of sport or health condition.

Select your region below for details on how to submit your Medical Form.


Please Complete the Medical Form


Once your Medical Form has been completed, please email it to us at or mail it to us at 8161 Oliver Road, Erie, PA 16509

If you have any questions, please email Doug Chuzie at

STEP 3: Sign Up For Your Sport(s)

Visit our Sports Signups page to pick your sport(s). Once there, select the region where you live and browse the list of sports available. Find your desired sport and fill out the signup form.

After the signup period, your coach will reach out with more information about the season.


Exciting News: Streamlined Athlete Medical Process!

At Special Olympics Pennsylvania, athlete safety is our priority, and a current Medical Form is required for all participants. We're excited to announce that starting May 2025, our medical form process will be even easier! You'll no longer need a doctor's signature; instead, you'll just review and update your health information each year.

To make things simpler for this spring/summer 2025 season, we're accepting the attached Medical Form without a doctor's signature.

While a doctor's signature won't be required for most athletes, there may be some specific situations where it's still necessary. We'll review all submitted forms and contact you if your form requires a doctor's signature.

We're confident this change will make it easier for you to participate in Special Olympics Pennsylvania!


For a Spanish language version of the athlete medical, follow this link.
Para obtener una versión en español del médico del atleta, siga este enlace.
