
Staff Changes – December 2021


  • Kristen Lenig, Regional Sports Director – The Wilds Region

Former Central Field Director, Kristen will assume the Regional Sport Director position for The Wilds (Region 2). In the interim, Jim Binz will assume Field Director responsibility for the programs in Region 8 and Gina Reid will assume responsibility for the programs in Region 3.

  • John Brownson, Regional Administrative Manager – Capital Area Region

Former Local Program Support Coordinator, John has assumed the Regional Administrative Manager role for the Capital Area Region (Region 7).

  • Shannon Pechart, Regional Sports Director for the Capital Area Region

Former Sports Training & Competition Director for Area M, Shannon will assume the position of Regional Sports Director for the Capital Area Region (Region 7).

Please join me in congratulating these staff on their new roles within our organization.


  • Kahley Stewart, Capital Area Region Development Director

We are very excited to announce that Kahley Stewart has joined our SOPA team as the Capital Area Region Development Director.

Kahley has been in fundraising for a number of years.  Most recently, she was the Director of Development for Bishop McDevitt High School but has also worked with American Lung Association and AACA Museum.  She has a broad base of fundraising knowledge.

A San Diego native, she went to College at Juniata and was a volunteer for our Central Fall Sectionals.  Kahley said any job that allows her to go back to her alma mater for a day is the one for her!  She is excited to develop and drive sustainable and successful fundraising initiatives for the Capital Area Region.

Please join us in welcoming Kahley!


If you or someone you know is interested in joining the SOPA team, please pass the word along about our open positions under employment opportunities.