Events Calendar

Virtual Summer Games Online Talk Show
From Monday, June 14, 2021 -  07:00pm
To Friday, June 18, 2021 - 07:30pm

Online Talk Show

A brand new online "Talk Show" will focus on the components of Special Olympics, using storytelling to highlight the importance of what we do. Hosted by an athlete and a volunteer, the talk show will include interviews, trivia/games, athlete talent, sponsor involvement and more. Streamed on our Facebook page and accessible on our other social media platforms, like YouTube!  You do not need a Facebook or YouTube account to tune in.

June 14: Episode #1 – Get Off the Sidelines at 7:00pm

June 15: Episode #2 – Athlete Leadership at 7:00pm

June 16: Episode #3 – Healthy Athletes at 7:00pm

June 17: Episode #4 – Cities of Inclusion at 7:00pm

June 18: Episode #5 – Unified Sports & Sheetz Award at 7:00pm