News from the Field Department - June 2022

Happy almost month of July to everyone. In July, we celebrate the birthday of our nation and how blessed we are to live in a country that tries to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusiveness.  As the Special Olympics Pennsylvania, we should always be mindful that one of our core beliefs is inclusiveness.  We have room for all and we want everyone to join us in celebration of our abilities and differences.

In honor of our liberty, let’s take a moment to look at our volunteers in each region and program and think about how diverse they are.  Some are excellent coaches who prepare and fret over every practice.  Some are coaches who are talented at teaching skills and preparing athletes for competition.  Some are learning new things every day.  We have Managers who inspire and motivate teams to do well in every aspect of our organization. We have Volunteer Coordinators, Outreach Coordinators, PR Coordinators and Fund Raisers who are constantly looking for new ways to accomplish their mission.  Our volunteers come from all walks of life – some are family members by birth, some are family members by choice.  We have laborers, salesmen, teachers, CEOs and more.

So, as you celebrate July 4th this year – take a few minutes to be thankful for the blessing that diversity and inclusion are to our country and our organization.

As always, never hesitate to reach out to your Field Director or Regional Exec with questions, concerns or ideas.  We love hearing from each of you!

Your Field Team