News from the Field Department - March 2022

As Spring and Summer arrive, it is a great time for all of our programs to begin in-person outdoor training.  There are a few important safety protocols and requirements to keep everyone protected and well.  It is also a great time to come out of hibernation and start reaching those important fitness goals.  Our competition department can provide coaches with Athlete Performance Training information and plans to help with this endeavor.  Every one of our athletes deserves to have fitness and performance goals no matter what level they train at.

It is a good idea to think about your athletes as training in three different ways:

  • Your dedicated athletes who love and respond to a challenge would be training in the Competitive Range.  They would be preparing for competitions and working on improving their sports skill and teamwork.
  • Your next level athletes who are learning the skills to be competitive would be training in the Developmental Range.  Competitive athletes can help guide, coach and role model for them as they pick up the drills and skills needed to compete.  They may or may not go to competitions, but should have regular local challenge matches with their peers.
  • The final group are those athletes who just like the social aspect of sport and are not interested in serious competition.  They are Recreational Athletes and get joy and fitness from the activity.  Setting health and nutrition goals, as well as some light fitness goals, is perfect for this group.  Lots of social contact and fun is the key.  They would typically not compete.

This is also the best time for programs that have not had Management Team meetings to get started with planning how you will start your Special Olympics program up again.  Short and Long range planning are key discussion points. Making sure that your team members have the commitment to stay with the program after this long pause will give you a better idea of your team’s makeup and strengths.  Let your Regional Executive or your Field Director know what your plan is for starting and get help and resources.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to your Field Directors or your Regional Executive Directors.  We love to help!