New Online Registration Forms as Local Programs Regionalize

This update is specific to Local Programs as they regionalize….if you are not currently regionalized and/or regionalizing in 2022, this is something we just want you to be aware of but currently there is NO impact for you.

Special Olympics International (SOI) has developed a new Application for Participation (aka “medical”) for athletes registering or re-registering. All Special Olympics Programs are required by Special Olympics International (SOI) to utilize the new online Registration Forms.

Since February 2021, SOPA was able to pilot the online Registration Forms process with Greater Lehigh Valley Pocono Region. In January 2022, SOPA will be rolling out the online Registration Forms process with Region 7 and 2. In 2023 and then again in 2024, we will roll out the online Registration Forms process with each subsequent Region as they standup.

Until regionalized, Local Programs must continue to use the Application for Participation (aka “medical”). Regional Staff will need to be in place to manage the new online Registration Forms and Local Programs cannot manage before. More information on the online Registration Forms process will be available to all constituents within a Region as they standup.

Should you have any specific questions, please contact Chelsea Hammell, VP of Mission Integration at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..