Young Athletes Online Training

In an effort to help increase the number of Young Athletes programs, all individuals interested in starting Young Athletes in their school, community or home now can take an online training on the Online Volunteer Portal. Once logged in, the Young Athletes Training can be found under the “Training Schools, Webinars & More” tab.

This training consists of a 25 minute video giving a basic overview of Special Olympics and Young Athletes. Once finished, you will then be required to complete a short quiz. Once you’ve completed the quiz, you will then be contacted by Jordan Schubert, Special Olympics Pennsylvania’s Young Athletes staff liaison, to schedule a conversation with you, your Local Program Manager/Director and anyone else that you would like to be included in the conversation.

If you have any questions on this, or anything else related to Young Athletes related, please contact Jordan Schubert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..