Facebook Fundraising

Facebook has made online fundraising possible through its platform. There are two fundraising avenues via Facebook. A general donate button on your local program page would be in violation of our online giving agreement with Special Olympics International unless it’s linked to the SONA/SOPA approved donation page.

However, Peer to Peer fundraising (for example some athletes have raised money for their birthday as a popular avenue) is permissible. As the 501c3 tax id organization of record, funds raised via Facebook with Special Olympics PA or SOPA local programs listed on the beneficiary are automatically sent to the state office. However, if you make the state office aware of any peer to peer Facebook fundraising efforts happening for your program, we are happy to forward the funds received to you. Please just contact the Development Office to make them aware of the fundraiser and send them a confirmation of the amount raised at the conclusion of the online giving effort. When the funds are received, they will be immediately sent to the proper program.

This Facebook Memo will outline how IDMP Programs and their local affiliates can fundraise through Facebook in accordance with the IDMP agreement.

This memo will cover:

  • Appropriate placement and use of the “donate” button
  • Peer-to-peer (user-initiated) fundraising through the platform
  • IDMP guidelines & revenue share implications
  • Gift exceptions