Pittsburgh Super Plunge

February 2, 2024

At Station Square
Pittsburgh, PA



Super Plungers are a group of Special Olympics super fans who take #FreezinForAReason to a whole new level! The Super Plunge starts at 6 pm in Station Square and food will be provided!

As registered Super Plungers, these brrrrrave men and women commit to:

  1. Plunging 24 times in FOUR hours outside Hard Rock in Station Square.
  2. Raising $2,500 per person
  3. Enjoying the company of other Special Olympics super fans

Questions? Contact Andrew Fee: afee@specialolympicspa.org

IMPORTANT: All reasonable efforts will be made to hold scheduled in-person plunges which assure the safety of all participants. However, Special Olympics PA reserves the right to modify or cancel events as circumstances surrounding the pandemic evolve.