
News from the Field Department - January 2022

Welcome to 2022 - a brand new year and a chance for all of us to see new opportunities and face them head on.  We will need to factor in the pandemic protocols and continue to take every step we can to keep all of our athletes and volunteers safe.  At the same time, we must find ways to keep everyone engaged and active.  Physical Fitness is very important at this time, as is fellowship and fun!  How can we face these challenges?

Some of the best ways to take the problems on is to educate yourself in all the tools that are available to you.  Here are some tools you should not miss:

  • The Weekly Program Update email from Gina Reid
    • This wonderful resource has up to the minute ideas, deadlines and information.  This is an essential tool for everyone - be sure to pass the info along to your entire team!
  • The Monthly Hot Topics Call
    • This is the place to ask every question and learn every best method.  If SOPA needs to change something, we will hear about it here first.  Be heard and be educated!
  • The Monthly Update Newsletter
    • This has valuable information for every member of your Management or Regional team.  This is a one stop shop for the latest info.
  • The www.specialolympicspa.org website
    • Everything you would need to know is here.  Check out our Volunteer Center or program information.  Catch the latest in Sports and Competition and see what trainings are available.  Another resource that is available twenty four seven - just for you.

As you can see - there are lots of tools at your disposal to prepare you to battle the challenges of bringing Special Olympics programming to every athlete.  Make use of all of them!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Field Directors or your Regional Executive Directors.  We’d love to help!